Gulfnews: UAE set to change domain name norm:
"'In [the] third quarter of 2009, we will start implementing the Arabic domain names,' Mohammad Al Zarouni, chief technology officer at the .ae Domain Administration of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) told Gulf News.
He added that the UAE 'will very likely be the first country' worldwide where a complete non-English domain name would be available.
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a worldwide organisation responsible for internet management worldwide, is finalising the process of assigning languages to countries, according to Al Zarouni.'In [the] third quarter of 2009, we will start implementing the Arabic domain names,' Mohammad Al Zarouni, chief technology officer at the .ae Domain Administration of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) told Gulf News.
He added that the UAE 'will very likely be the first country' worldwide where a complete non-English domain name would be available.
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a worldwide organisation responsible for internet management worldwide, is finalising the process of assigning languages to countries, according to Al Zarouni."
United Arab Emirate's site for security news, latest security blog posts, security podcasts, hardware hacks and security related links.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The American University in Dubai organizes the 11th ISSAF Conference | AUD
The 11th Information Systems Security Assessment Framework (ISSAF) conference was held on Thursday, the 23rd of October, at The American University in Dubai (AUD) in the presence of the University's faculty and student bodies, along with prominent dignitaries and local and international company representatives from within the Information Technology sector.
For more information, please visit:
The American University in Dubai organizes the 11th ISSAF Conference | AUD
Or visit AUD at:
Monday, October 20, 2008
Visit the official website below:
Can't make it? Then follow GITEX on Gulf News:
The Launch of aeCERT Operations
aeCERT, shortly after gaining the official accreditation by the UAE Cabinet as the national Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) under Direct number (89/5), has launched its operations on Monday 14th of July 2008. The launch was announced during a news conference that took place in Abu-Dhabi at the Emirates Palace Hotel.
Read more on this at the aeCERT Website:
You can visit the aeCERT stand in Gitex from October 19 - 23, 2008.
Read more on this at the aeCERT Website:
You can visit the aeCERT stand in Gitex from October 19 - 23, 2008.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
UPDATED 2012: Get an iTunes Account Without a Credit Card
Get an iTunes account username and password even if you are outside the Unied States, Canada, Australia and other iTunes countries! An iTunes account without a gift card or a credit card. Just follow the Step-by-step guide for getting an iTunes account for downloading Apple iPhone apps for free without needing a credit card. Nothing illegal here :)
So, you’ve got a shiny new iPhone or iPod touch, and you’d like to load all those shiny apps that everyone keeps talking about. But, oh noes! You don’t have a credit card, or the App you want isn’t available in your country’s store. Or, you’re sick of this week’s Free Single Of the Week. This guide will let you create a free account for any country the iTunes store runs in. Interested? Good, let’s continue!
1. First of all – select the iTunes store in which you’d like to have an account. You can use the store selector towards the bottom of the iTunes store homepage.
2. When the front page loads up for your desired country – go and click on the top app from the “Top Free App” section.
3. When the app page loads, hit the ‘Get App’ button.
4. The login prompt will appear – click on ‘Create New Account’
5. Click Continue, then tick the “I Accept” box, and click Continue again
6. Fill out your details on the next page (you’ll need a real, valid email address), and click continue
7. And now, here is where it gets interesting. If you have followed each of the previous steps, you should now have a ‘None’ option as a payment method. Select that :)
8. After that, fill out your details. If you don’t live in the country you’re creating the account in, make up an address. (Like say, for example, one of Apple’s Retail Store locations if they have some in that country. – ), then click Continue
9. You will now see a message telling you to click on the confirmation link sent to the email you supplied earlier.
Then check your email inbox (or spam folder), open the email and click the confirmation link
10. iTunes will pop up, and here you’ll enter your brand new iTunes account data
11. If all goes to plan, you will be greeted with a congratulations page.
12. You’re done! You can now download free music (namely the ‘Free Single Of The Week’), as well as some free TV shows in some stores, and all the free apps that are available to you in the App Store
Now, I have iTunes accounts for Australia, the United Kingdom, the USA, and now Canada!
Wait… why couldn’t I just create an account without going to the app store first?
If you try and create an account straight from the log on box/when you purchase some music, you will be missing the ‘None’ option from Step 7.
Can I fill out my credit card details for another country’s store?
Not unless it was issued in the country that you’re trying to add it to – iTunes will verify the location of where the card was issued. So, for example, you couldn’t use an Australian Visa card in the United States store.
Hey, I have a question that isn’t answered here….
Just leave a comment below, and I’ll try and help where I can.
This was yet again a reader request :) Thank you again :)
So, you’ve got a shiny new iPhone or iPod touch, and you’d like to load all those shiny apps that everyone keeps talking about. But, oh noes! You don’t have a credit card, or the App you want isn’t available in your country’s store. Or, you’re sick of this week’s Free Single Of the Week. This guide will let you create a free account for any country the iTunes store runs in. Interested? Good, let’s continue!
1. First of all – select the iTunes store in which you’d like to have an account. You can use the store selector towards the bottom of the iTunes store homepage.
2. When the front page loads up for your desired country – go and click on the top app from the “Top Free App” section.
3. When the app page loads, hit the ‘Get App’ button.
4. The login prompt will appear – click on ‘Create New Account’
5. Click Continue, then tick the “I Accept” box, and click Continue again
6. Fill out your details on the next page (you’ll need a real, valid email address), and click continue
7. And now, here is where it gets interesting. If you have followed each of the previous steps, you should now have a ‘None’ option as a payment method. Select that :)
8. After that, fill out your details. If you don’t live in the country you’re creating the account in, make up an address. (Like say, for example, one of Apple’s Retail Store locations if they have some in that country. – ), then click Continue
9. You will now see a message telling you to click on the confirmation link sent to the email you supplied earlier.
Then check your email inbox (or spam folder), open the email and click the confirmation link
10. iTunes will pop up, and here you’ll enter your brand new iTunes account data
11. If all goes to plan, you will be greeted with a congratulations page.
12. You’re done! You can now download free music (namely the ‘Free Single Of The Week’), as well as some free TV shows in some stores, and all the free apps that are available to you in the App Store
Now, I have iTunes accounts for Australia, the United Kingdom, the USA, and now Canada!
Wait… why couldn’t I just create an account without going to the app store first?
If you try and create an account straight from the log on box/when you purchase some music, you will be missing the ‘None’ option from Step 7.
Can I fill out my credit card details for another country’s store?
Not unless it was issued in the country that you’re trying to add it to – iTunes will verify the location of where the card was issued. So, for example, you couldn’t use an Australian Visa card in the United States store.
Hey, I have a question that isn’t answered here….
Just leave a comment below, and I’ll try and help where I can.
This was yet again a reader request :) Thank you again :)
LayerOne 2008 - David Hulton - Intercepting GSM Mobile Phones and Cracking GSM encryption A5/1
This talk is about GSM sniffing and GSM security. The presenter will explain the security, technology and protocols of a GSM network. He will also present a solution to build a GSM scanner for 900 USD. The second part of the talk reveals a practical solution to crack the GSM encryption A5/1. It is a long one! So take a break, make a trip to the fridge and come back to this :)
More on david and his company including information about the commercial product:
Again, this was another request from one of our subscribers :) We do answer requests even if it takes a a while to do so! So, send us your suggestions, links, complaints, requests, questions, concerns, additions, corrections or any other input to:
contribute- at-uaehackers=.=com
David on his way this week to speak at the HITB Dubai conference about mobile phone security was stopped by British authorities at Heathrow Airport and questioned before being relieved of his Nokia phone, SIM card and USRP! Read more about it below:
More details here:
More on david and his company including information about the commercial product:
Again, this was another request from one of our subscribers :) We do answer requests even if it takes a a while to do so! So, send us your suggestions, links, complaints, requests, questions, concerns, additions, corrections or any other input to:
contribute- at-uaehackers=.=com
David on his way this week to speak at the HITB Dubai conference about mobile phone security was stopped by British authorities at Heathrow Airport and questioned before being relieved of his Nokia phone, SIM card and USRP! Read more about it below:
More details here:
How to hack through 23 (Telnet)
This was a special request submitted to us via the email... So, enjoy
Monday, October 13, 2008
Mobile phones can never be totally wiped clean of data
An interesting news article about the work of BT (formerly British Telecom), Glamorgan University, Australia’s Edith Cowan University and Sim Lifecycle Services where researchers recovered data from handsets from mobile phone recycling companies:
Mobile phones can never be totally wiped clean of data
To get more information on the research at Edith Cowan University and its upcoming conferences please visit:
Mobile phones can never be totally wiped clean of data
To get more information on the research at Edith Cowan University and its upcoming conferences please visit:
December 2008 Security Conferences World Wide
Here is a list on the security related conferences coming up this December (2008):
Friday, October 10, 2008
العربية.نت" تحت قصف الهاكرز - Under Attack from Hackers
تعرض موقع العربية.نت مساء الخميس 9-10-2008 لهجوم من قبل مجموعة من المخترقين (الهاكرز) منعوا الوصول إلى صفحته الرئيسية ووضعوا بدلا منها تحذيرا اعتبر أن عملية الاختراق تأتي في إطار هجوم شيعي على ما اعتبرته مواقع سنية ردا على عملية اختراق مواقع شيعية، وأعلنت إدارة الموقع التحول إلى الموقع الرديف بشكل مؤقت وهو
وقال نص التحذير الذي تركه الهاكرز على الصفحة باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية "تحذير هام.. إن استمرت الاختراقات على المواقع الشيعية من بعد هذا فلن يسلم أي موقع من مواقعكم وشبكاتكم" كما حمل صورة لعلم إسرائيلي محترق، وأسفل التحذير أورد المخترقون قائمة بأكثر من 100 مواقع إسلامي سنية قالوا إنها تم اختراقها من بينها موقع الشيخ الراحل عبد العزيز بن باز رئيس هيئة كبار العلماء بالمملكة العربية السعودية، ووضعوا على رأس هذه القائمة موقع العربية.نت.
وبعد نحو ساعات من عملية الاختراق قام الهاكرز بتغيير الصفحة التي تحمل تحذيرا بصفحة أخرى تحمل صورة لفهد مرقط وفي أسفلها أسماء مستعارة لمخترقين دون أن تحمل أية رسالة تحذيرية ودون أن تحمل طابعا دينيا.
الصورة الثانية كما ظهرت بعد ساعات من اختراق الموقع
It appears that the website itself was not hacked but rather the attack targeted the name servers and diverted the domain name to the hacker's own servers. It is also worth mentioning that the page was defaced twice within a few hours as shown in the images above. For more information go to:
وقال نص التحذير الذي تركه الهاكرز على الصفحة باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية "تحذير هام.. إن استمرت الاختراقات على المواقع الشيعية من بعد هذا فلن يسلم أي موقع من مواقعكم وشبكاتكم" كما حمل صورة لعلم إسرائيلي محترق، وأسفل التحذير أورد المخترقون قائمة بأكثر من 100 مواقع إسلامي سنية قالوا إنها تم اختراقها من بينها موقع الشيخ الراحل عبد العزيز بن باز رئيس هيئة كبار العلماء بالمملكة العربية السعودية، ووضعوا على رأس هذه القائمة موقع العربية.نت.
وبعد نحو ساعات من عملية الاختراق قام الهاكرز بتغيير الصفحة التي تحمل تحذيرا بصفحة أخرى تحمل صورة لفهد مرقط وفي أسفلها أسماء مستعارة لمخترقين دون أن تحمل أية رسالة تحذيرية ودون أن تحمل طابعا دينيا.
الصورة الثانية كما ظهرت بعد ساعات من اختراق الموقع
It appears that the website itself was not hacked but rather the attack targeted the name servers and diverted the domain name to the hacker's own servers. It is also worth mentioning that the page was defaced twice within a few hours as shown in the images above. For more information go to:
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Attacking AJAX: Black Hat Presentation
It is an old one but the idea still applies :P
For More on Ajax Hacking, go to:
For More on Ajax Hacking, go to:
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Reset Vista Administrator Password in 5 Minutes
Quick tutorial on how to reset the password using a boot disk:
Reset Vista Administrator Password - System Admin Purposes Only,
Reset Vista Administrator Password - System Admin Purposes Only,
Thursday, October 2, 2008
(ISC)² Cyber Exchange
Did you know that October is Cyber Security Awareness Month? In support of the month, (ISC)² have launched "Cyber Exchange" where you can download original cyber security awareness materials. (ISC)² Cyber Exchange Matterials include Posters, Power Point Presentations and Word and PDF Documents, and more... You can also rank the materials and add your own.
The free security awareness tools from around the world are designed to be used by any organization or individual that wishes to promote online safety at work or within their community. It can also serve as a support tool for private and public sector organizations required to meet cyber security awareness training requirements under directives such as the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA).
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